International Aerospace Component Manufacturer
Company Overview
This aerospace-component manufacturer is three years in operation after an acquisition. As a highly-technical company, precision manufacturing of turbine components is one of the key features they offer to customers. However, when they purchased what is now a thriving and growing company in employee size and revenue, they realized they needed to address quality control and on-time delivery. Their dedication to performance has won more business from former, current and even new customers. The company, with thousands of dedicated employees, boasts safety and incredible corporate culture. With several upgrades to their operations, they are well-poised to continue growth at an unprecedented rate.
CapTech +
This company is a spin-off of a division of a larger aerospace corporation that was acquired in 2016. CapTech Financial partnered with the company at a time when their financial statements were limited. CapTech was able to get them an initial funding package of just over a million dollars. That enabled the company to address improving manufacturing needs at a couple of their plants. Now, CapTech has been part of three schedules totaling nearly $11 million.
Thank you CapTech for your commitment to us. When other people wouldn't stand up, it was important to us that you were there. We really appreciate your support.